Crochet Bag


If you are passionate about crochet and want to learn how to make an amazing bag with the spike stitch, you are in the right place! In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to create a super stylish and exclusive bag.

Necessary materials:


Cotton yarn
Crochet hook compatible with the chosen yarn
tapestry needle
Fabric lining (optional)
Purse strap (optional)
Step 1: Make the base of the bag

To start making the bag, let’s make the base. Start by making a magic ring and make 6 single crochets inside it. Close the ring with a slip stitch, then make 2 single crochets in each base stitch. End the row with a slip stitch and then start making double crochets from there.

Make 1 double crochet in each base stitch until you reach the end of the row. On the next row, make 2 double crochets in the first stitch, 1 double crochet in the second stitch and repeat this sequence until the end of the row. On the next row, make 2 double crochets in the first stitch, 1 double crochet in the second stitch, 1 double crochet in the third stitch and repeat this sequence until the end of the row.


Continue making increases in this way until the base of the bag is the desired size. Remember to always close the row with a single slip stitch.

Step 2: Make the spike stitch

Now that the base of the bag is ready, it’s time to start making the spike stitch. This stitch is made with a combination of high and low stitches that give an embossed effect to the piece.

Start by making a regular double crochet. Then make a low point in the same base point as the previous high point. Then make another double crochet in the same base stitch as the previous single crochet. This is a full spike stitch.

Repeat this sequence of stitches all around the bag. Remember to make a double crochet, a low stitch and a double crochet in the same base stitch to form the spike.


Step 3: Make the bag handles

To make the bag handles, you can choose between two options: crochet the handles or buy ready-made handles and just attach them to the bag. If you choose to make handles, make a chain with the amount of stitches you want for the handle. Then crochet into each chain base stitch until the loop is the desired width.

Attach the handles to the bag with a tapestry needle. Make sure the straps are securely fastened to support the weight of the bag.

Step 4: Line the bag (optional)

If you want your bag to have a lining, now is the time to do so. Measure the width and height of the bag and cut a piece of fabric to the same measurements.
