
Table Runner


Making a quilt table runner can be a fun and rewarding project. Here’s a basic guide to help you create your own table runner quilt.

Necessary materials:


Fabrics: Choose cotton fabrics in colors and patterns that complement your table decor. Consider a combination of fabrics for the table runner top and lining.
Quilting Throw: Choose a thin quilting throw to add structure and texture to the table runner.
Cutting ruler: for measuring and cutting fabrics precisely.
Circular cutter or scissors: to cut the fabrics.
Sewing machine: for sewing the table runner parts.
Sewing threads: Choose threads that match or contrast with the chosen fabrics.
Quilting needle: for hand or machine quilting.
Fabric scissors: for trimming loose threads.
Step by step:

Measurements and Design: Measure the width and length of your table to determine table runner dimensions. Decide what design you want to create, whether it’s a straight stripe down the center or a more elaborate pattern.

Cutting the fabrics: using the cutting ruler and the circular cutter or scissors, cut the fabrics according to the given measurements. Remember to add a seam allowance around each piece.

Top Assembly: Assemble the cut pieces to form the top of the table runner, following the planned design. Align and sew the pieces together with a sewing machine, forming the rows and blocks as needed.

Padding: Place the padding blanket over the back of the table runner top. Then quilt by hand or machine to a pattern or design of your choice. This will add structure and texture to your table runner.

Finishing: Place the fabric backing under the back of the table runner and align the edges. Sew the three layers together, leaving an opening to turn the table runner right side out.

Flip and Close: Flip the table runner on its right side, making sure all edges are sharply defined. Then hand or machine sew the opening closed.

Remember that you can customize your table runner quilt with different colors, patterns and quilting techniques. Have fun experimenting and creating a unique and charming table runner to beautify your table.
