Bear Baby Rattle Crochet – Free Pattern


Hello everybody! How nice to meet you here once again. I am very happy to be able to share such beautiful ideas. How is everything there? Keeping the craft practice every day or still on vacation? It’s like taking a few days to relax, even though crafts are already relaxing. A few days of doing nothing is what everyone needs to get back to activities renewed. And if you’re already back to crocheting, how about learning the Bear Baby Rattle?

Nothing better than starting the week with a cute piece like this. It’s actually an amigurumi, made with the same materials and characteristics of those little animals that have already conquered everyone. The amigurumi rattle is very useful in childhood, as it is a period of fun and also learning, especially when children are still very young and need to develop skills.


Rattles are traditional and allow the child to develop motor coordination, stimulate hearing, create a sense of space and musicality, in addition to ensuring a good laugh. Therefore, they are so used and encouraged in the first years of life. And, to make an amigurumi rattle is quite simple. Even if you are a beginner in the technique, you will be able to make an incredible piece.

You will need simple materials, common to those who are used to crocheting. The most different thing here is the ring. A 6 cm/2.4 inch in diameter wood ring was used for the pattern. Here it is very personal and you can use the one you find in the stores near you. But remember the end goal. We are talking about a play for the little ones. Choose a quality material that does not cause damage to the little ones, does not scratch their skin.

Also make sure that all the accessories are securely fastened. It’s an object that the child can put in their mouth and we don’t want to run the risk that they might swallow it. The baby bear rattle crochet can be made for you, to give to a dear friend who is expecting a baby or to sell. You will see that these pieces sell very well, either by order or ready delivery. Come check out the pattern available at Amiguroom Toys.