Outdoor Mandala Mat Pattern


Hello everybody! Good to see you here with us. We are happy and grateful to know that you remember us when it comes to crafts. That’s why we’re here, bringing new patterns, ideas, and techniques and we hope they can help you to continue creating beautiful projects in your home. Handicraft is that comforting hobby that can become a source of income or a profession, so stay here with us to learn another model.

If you, like us, like to decorate your home, make the environment more cozy, the Outdoor Mandala Mat is for you too. This rug has an amazing design. In one of the best known formats among crochet patterns, this round rug easily adapts to different environments and decorations.


Crochet rugs can be the gateway if you still don’t crochet. This model is simple, does not require much practice. Despite the name being outdoor, the rug goes very well indoors too. Round models are easy to match, but it’s good to measure the size you have available.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Love Crafts

With crochet it is easy to make size changes. On the outdoor mandala mat you can increase or decrease the amount of rounds and have that space filled perfectly with the mandala. As for colors, the sky’s the limit. You can combine different colors or make it all in one color.

If you still don’t have much practice, lighter colored yarns are more suitable. You can visualize the stitch more clearly. Learning the basic stitches, which are described in the pattern, you repeat it in the next rounds and soon you have the size you need. Ready to get started? Choose your yarns and let’s go. Come learn all the details together with us, let’s crochet!