Watermelon Wall Hanging – Quilt Pattern


Hello loves! Good to see you here, a sign that you are also looking for a new craft to make. We love to be busy doing what we like and handicraft for me is not even work, it’s leisure. It’s a time to relax and a little inspiration is always welcome. It’s no use wanting to do it right away to get rid of it, the result is not the same. And with Watermelon Wall Hanging you won’t want any other result than this amazing piece.

As the name of the pattern already says, to make this quilt you’ll need watermelon colors, exploring the gradient in each of the blocks. And the result is this, incredible, right? For those who think that quilts are only good for keeping warm and snuggling, wall hangings come to show the opposite. Just like paintings, they are also works of art and deserve to be displayed in the decoration of environments.


Here we are going to mix colors in an orderly way, playing with tones and focusing on the colors of the fruit. Of course they are smaller than the quilts we use on our bed, on the couch. After all, we don’t want to cover an entire wall with the quilt, it’s a detail. I always like to measure the space I want to decorate to see if alterations are necessary. On the watermelon wall hanging, we’re going to assemble the pattern in blocks, so size changes are pretty easy to make.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Accuquilt

Now see the link you want to place and imagine if the colors match the environment. For a more harmonious decoration, you can add other items that complement the decoration. Cushions in similar colors and tones, with details reminiscent of the watermelon wall hanging. A decorative item on the piece of furniture, all of which help introduce the piece into the decor. As for cutting and sewing tips, we have some that we already know, but I like to remember them because we always have new people around here.

Make the markings on the reverse side of the fabric, to avoid stains that appear in the final skin. Set up a production line, separate the materials, make all the cuts and then start sewing. One process at a time makes everything easier, believe me. And as eager as you are to start, first read the instructions that are available from Accuquilt. Everything is more relaxed when we have a basic idea of what we are going to do next. And of course, have lots of fun!